Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ain't Nobody's Business

My friend Judy Gobble and her buddies preformed at Starbucks on Sycamore Drive last night and what a treat it was. Her group is called "Ani't Nobody's Business" and they played a blend of oldies and contemporary songs. Judy has a beautiful singing voice. It was great fun to be there and listen on a warm summer evening.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Jeff Gordon and his colleges at Brightwise Action Marketing by the studio for some updated photographs for the Brightwise web site. They are a great bunch of guys and always fun to photograph.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Peter Kiesecker

I had the pleasure of photography Peter Kiesecker yesterday for the Free Clinic of Simi Valley. Peter is being honored at the Clinics annual gala to be held at the Reagan Library on October 27. This was my favorite shot.