Saturday, December 20, 2008

Peltenon Family

Check out the most recent Peltenon family portrait. There are now 32 people.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Burbank Water and Power

Tuesday afternoon I headed off to Burbank to take some employee photographs at the Burbank Department of Water and Power for their annual report. Here are a couple I liked.

Julia Diamond

On Tuesday morning I met with Julia Diamond out at one of her recent installations in a beautiful home in the Santa Rosa Valley.Here are some of my favorites.

Monday, November 17, 2008

AFP Luncheon

Last Wednesday I photographed the annual Association of Fundraising Professionals luncheon high atop the Crown Plaza Hotel in Ventura. The Master of Ceremonies was Lance Orozco from KCLU Radio. . It was especially significant since my wife Becca Merrell was an honoree.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jess & Hal's Wedding

A perfect 10 is how I would describe Jess and Hal’s wedding last Saturday up at the Stephen S Wise Temple just off Mulholland Drive overlooking the San Fernando Valley. Jess and Hal had a great time and so did their guests as they partied into the night. Everyone danced had fun and danced some more. These black and white images give you a sense of the great time we all had.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Home Town Hero

Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet Paula Cornell. Paula has founded an organization call For the Troops. Through the use of volunteers and by the way of many individuals and businesses that donate items like food, music and books. These items are then packaged up and sent to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The pictures are for the City Focus newsletter in Simi Valley.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bob Tummel Art

Bob Tummel is a local Camarillo artist. Today he and his wife Judy stopped by with several paints for me to photograph. Bob paint scenes of golf courses and lighthouses. Here are three of my favorites.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

In The Park

Last Sunday I did a family portrait over at Rancho Simi Community Park. These folks were great to work with and they looked terrific in their blue jeans and white shirts.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Jess and Hal

Jess and Hal are getting married in October and on Sunday I had the pleasure of taking a few engagement photographs. Here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Emily and Timmy

What can I say kids have such great personalities and it shows in photographs.

Nicholas Rowlands

What a Guy!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mark Cupp

Here is a photograph I just took of New York Life Insurance agent Mark Cupp. I do all the photographs for the main office in Woodlands Hills. The walls there are a gallery of my work. This is my favorite of Mark.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jennifer and Misha

Jennifer is a very happy bride and had a great wedding and reception. Jennifer married Misha Urano a software engineer at Google. If you had never danced before you became an expert after being taught salsa by DJ Randy Kort and watching the bride and groom who met at a salsa dance class. The reception was held at the new Vineyard. The wedding and reception went coordinated by Pam Perry of Simi Valley. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Katy Rowlands

Yesterday I photographed cute little 3 year Katy Rowlands who is seeking a career in commercials. I photographed her brother a few years ago and he has gotten some work in a Huggies commercial. Here are some of my favorites. Good luck Katy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jennifer Wilson

On July 12th I will have the honor of photographing Jennifer Wilson’s wedding to Misha Urano. Jennifer is the beautiful daughter of my very good friends Phyllis and Chas Wilson. It was my pleasure to travel up to Sunnyvale on Thursday and take their engagement photographs. We decided to take the pictures at their new home which is surrounded by hundreds of California Redwood trees. Here are some of my favorites. Jennifer looks pretty happy doesn’t she?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tara & Raul's Wedding

Last Saturday was the long awaited wedding of Tara and Raul at the beautiful Westlake Village Inn. Although it had been raining off and on during the week and threatening on Saturday, the weather was just perfect! Check out the flowers provided by McCann Florist. Here are some of my favorites.